Rated Europe's #1 agency for growing eCom & retail brands

Email Marketing Agency

Work with the leading eCommerce Email Marketing Agency to scale your email marketing and customer lifecycle strategy. Our specialists harness customer data to drive performance, using advanced automation, impactful creative and hyper-relevant campaigns to deliver the right messaging at the right time and increase customer lifetime value.

As an omnichannel agency, Reload’s email marketing tactics complement your holistic strategy alongside performance marketing, SEO and content marketing to deliver the best possible results. Our Email Specialists are multi-market experts, with knowledge across EMEA, APAC and North America allowing us to localise our Email Marketing campaigns whether the customer pays in £, $ or €.

The tech-enabled Email & Retention Marketing Agency

Unlock predictive analytics and gain a deep understanding of your customer's buying journey. Our Email Marketing Experts harness customer data to pinpoint where customers are in their journey and nurture them towards conversion.

Our Email Specialists cover all ESPs from Klaviyo & Dotdigital, to Ometria & Salesforce (and beyond). Whether it's streamlining 30+ multi-market automations for DTC giants, or growing repeat customer rate for Skinny Tan with database analysis & segmentation and flow optimisations - our focus is on boosting your repeat revenue.

Let us manage your lists and segment your database according to email content and user behavioural actions to get the best possible conversion rates.
Creating timely, personalised and hyper-relevant email and SMS automations are a must for all retention marketing strategies. Talk to us about how we can optimise or expand your automation strategy to drive more revenue from your ESP.
We'll take a deep dive into your campaign strategy and look at everything from subject lines through to content and call to actions within the body of your emails.
Let our creative experts design high-impact email templates for your next campaign. Our creative specialists fuel their designs with experience across more than 500+ Global Clients. We know what works.
We go beyond the numbers, always loking to align with your “source of truth” whether it’s GA, your ESP, or a third-party BI tool, to ensure our reporting slots in seamlessly with yours to provide both specific and holistic insights.
Reload by s360 is ESP agnostic and with our multi platform expertise we have helped multiple brands through smooth migrations. We offer expertise in transitioning data, content, automations and campaigns, ensuring a seamless shift with minimal impact.
We're an accredited Klaviyo Master Platinum Partner, leveraging years of experience to encourage that next purchase in a timely and personalised fashion.
Whether it's sophisticated flow optimisations, or streamlining 30+ multi-market automations for DTC giants, our focus is on achieving the best possible open rates, CTORs and conversion rates on Ometria.
What's next for your brand?

The Email Marketing agency for international brands

Our eCommerce Email Marketing Approach

A true understanding of your audience underpins all our email marketing strategy. We collaborate closely with you to leverage your current customer data, crafting personalised nurturing sequences and effectively engage your customers throughout their journey.

Email Customer Lifecycle Strategy

A true understanding of your customer is the most powerful tool to leverage not only your email marketing, but your business wide strategy. It allows you to personalise all aspects of your marketing, resulting in a more bespoke experience that encourages stronger engagement, brand connection and high conversion rates. We start by looking at the key touch points throughout a customer's lifecycle journey, then auditing and analysing your data capture touchpoints to identify who your types of customers are. Email, SMS, database analysis, customer profiling and segmentation, these are all tactics we lean into to develop your lifecycle strategy.

Email Database Management & Segmentation

Your database holds all of your first party data. By analysing this data, we can uncover your customers trends and behaviours to create relevant segments. These segments lay the foundation for an optimised CRM strategy, as well as play a crucial role in fuelling other marketing activities to maximise revenue and retention.

Email Automations & Campaigns

Once we know exactly who your customer is, what content they’re interested in and how frequently they purchase, we will then build a complete set of sophisticated automations. These automations will touch customers at key points throughout their lifecycle, with content personalised to their profile. Not only does automation enhance efficiency by taking pressure off campaigns, they’re also key for driving first purchases, nurturing subscribers, and building a brand to customer relationship which is essential for loyalty. While automations nurture your user through the stages in their lifecycle, campaigns are here to keep them informed with engaging new content. We work closely with you and your marketing calendar to strategically plan and build engaging, personalised content that delivers strong engagement and conversion metrics.

Engaging Email Design

We’ve touched a lot on the importance of personalised content but in order for this to be translated effectively, you need a captivating design. This is where our Email & Customer Lifecycle team joins forces with Reload by s360 Creative to build a template that is engaging whilst showcasing your brand identity. However, we don’t just set and forget an email template, we constantly test different design elements and track user performance via heat mapping to continually evolve performance.

Leveraging SMS Marketing

SMS has a high click and conversion rate, which makes it a great tactic for communicating important messaging to customers. However, it can be an intrusive channel, with a high unsubscribe rate, and therefore needs to be carefully integrated into the CRM channel to ensure placement is as optimal as possible. We balance SMS with email campaign sends and automations, to make sure your collective CRM strategy encourages loyalty and conversations, without bombarding your customer.

Building Retention Programmes

As new customer acquisition costs continue to rise, initiatives that improve CLTV are now more valuable than ever. We partner with a range of retention programmes which we can integrate into your CRM strategy, such as loyalty schemes, refer a friend or reviews. This layer of customer reward can help distract users from a competitive market, keeping them loyal to the brand, while giving you a higher repeat purchase rate.

Fuelling your email marketing with innovative MarTech

Reload Growth

Planning Methodology
We fuel our email marketing campaigns with a toolbox of strategic planning frameworks, crafted over 15 years of partnering with big, complex brands. Whether it's budget season or you’re reforecasting targets, launching into a new region or refreshing your brand communications, s360's innovative solutions will help add an additional layer of strategic thinking.

Reload Measure

Reporting Suite
How good would it be to streamline your in-house and agency email marketing reporting? We'll create reporting efficiencies by tapping into our suite of reporting tools as well as benchmarking your performance against our 500 global clients. Get ready to join trading calls, field questions from finance or perform EOM budget reviews with minimal fuss.

Reload Innovate

Always-on Innovation
While our R&D team don’t don white lab coats, they do keep our Email Marketing Specialists armed with new ways to help you stay ahead of your competitors. We plug AI, machine learning and new tech into your marketing. Tried and tested innovation, accumulated from the thousands of channels, platforms and brand campaigns we manage every day.

We partner with leading Email Service Providers & Lifecycle Platforms

Why Reload by s360

The Email Marketing Agency trusted by global brands

At Reload by s360 we partner with the best around by sitting at the heart of the eCommerce, digital marketing and media landscape. Growing an international, omnichannel consumer brand is complex and requires different types of expertise. You'll be able to combine channel experts with market and category experts too. This means plugging a North America or APAC specialist into your team to help grow market share in a new region or adding a beauty, fashion or premium expert who knows what it takes to make your brand a category leader.

"The Reload team is exceptional and a true extension of our team. Their enthusiasm and pro-activity is remarkable on top of their knowledge. Always jumping to deliver higher results for us. They have done a FAB job in terms of email automations and segmentation. A dream agency!"
Marie Boulet, ZOEVA Cosmetics
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Frequently asked questions about partnering with Reload by s360

Why is email more important now than ever?

The success rate of selling to a new customer is 5-20%, compared to 60-70% for an existing customer. This huge difference, coupled with the fact it costs up to 25x more to acquire a new customer than convert an existing one, means optimising your email strategy to drive retention is an absolute must.

Another factor which makes email an indispensable channel is its status as an owned channel, meaning all the data you collect on your subscribers is yours to keep, review, and analyse. In the face of a looming cookieless future and increased data privacy, it’s essential to build zero and first-party data-gathering into your email journeys.

What revenue can I expect from an optimised email strategy?

Absolute figures are dependent on the size of your database, email resource, business turnover and other factors. But what we can say is that email should be generating at least 20% of your online revenue – if it’s not, there are likely gaps in your automations leading to missed lifecycle touch points. We’ve put together a handy guide on how to map your email strategy against your customer lifecycles, which should ensure you’re getting the basics right. For further help and more sophisticated automations and targeting, please get in touch!

What can I do to improve low email engagement?

Before you can improve your engagement, you need to identify the reason(s) for it being low. Common reasons include sending from a shared domain, sending to your audience as a homogenous group rather than segmenting, poor sending practice leading ISPs to treat your emails as spam, and unwittingly sending to spam traps, causing you to be blacklisted. If you’ve addressed (or not had) these issues and your engagement is still low, you may need to run a mini IP warm-up by only sending to your most engaged contacts for a while, ensuring higher engagement and a positive effect on your sender reputation and inbox placement. For more help with this and other deliverability issues, do reach out to us!

What are some alternative ways I can use email marketing?

Email is arguably at the centre of your digital channels, in that it interconnects with and can support all of them. An example is the use of email in conjunction with social, not only to promote influencer content, competitions, events etc, but also to feed data back from your ESP to Facebook to create look-a-like audiences for highly targeted paid ads. Another use case is driving traffic to landing pages, particularly where these are part of your content marketing strategy. A third crucial way to use email is to learn more about your subscribers, as data gathered via email is yours to own and use across other channels to build a cohesive customer experience.

I feel our ESP is letting us down - how should I choose a new one?

It’s quite common for eCommerce brands to feel they’ve outgrown their ESP, particularly if they started out on a smaller scale platform like Mailchimp. When deciding which ESP is going to serve you best going forward, you’ll need to consider price (including scalability), API and platform integrations (e.g. integrating with your eCommerce platform), user friendliness and customer support, and analysis and reporting capabilities. We would also recommend compiling a list of bugbears with your current ESP to discuss with the teams at ESPs you’re considering to make sure you won’t run into the same issues.

What do I need to be mindful of when I’m ready to migrate?

Changing ESPs is quite a big undertaking – some platforms have direct integrations to make migrating easier (e.g. you can link Mailchimp to Klaviyo and import a lot of your Mailchimp data directly into Klaviyo), but some require a much more manual process. To help you ensure all bases are covered, we’ve put together a migration planning template you can download here for free.

When you’ve got everything ready to go in your new ESP, you’ll need to begin with a warm-up of your new email infrastructure. This is important to maintain your sender reputation and set your account up with good deliverability and inbox placement.

How should I approach the warm-up, and how long will it take?

You’ll need to ensure you have your contacts’ engagement history in your new ESP, whether it’s been imported automatically or manually. This will enable you to create engagement-based segments so you can start by sending to your most engaged subscribers, and finish by sending to the majority of your contacts. You should allow take 4-8 weeks to complete the warm-up depending on the size and quality of your database. As your sending capabilities will be limited during this time, you’ll need to be mindful of the emails you’ve planned to send (i.e. it’s not a good time to promote a site-wide sale!)

What email services do you offer?

We can work with you to improve any element of your email marketing, and beyond! Our bread and butter includes running a database analysis to understand your subscribers and how to target them, setting up and optimising automations, managing your campaigns through briefing, building, and reporting, setting up segments and tailored dynamic content, and ensuring your account set-up is optimised for tracking, reporting and deliverability.

We also have expertise in subscription marketing, loyalty schemes, SMS, reviews strategies, and anything else that can go into an email!

Which other resources do you have to support email?

We have an in-house Content & Creative team who can advise on or create graphics, write copy, or run creative workshops to build up your branding and/or storytelling. We also have teams across PPC and SEO, and like to work synergistically as much as possible (whether it’s with your teams or our own).

Why do brands choose Reload by s360?

Brands typically come to Reload by s360 when their ambition isn't being matched by their current agency. We have an agile team of 30 based in London with 300 specialists in the rest of the group. Changing agencies is never a fun process but whether your turnover ranges from £10m to £500m, your brand and budgets are in safe hands.

How proactive will my team be?

We don't do 'set and forget'. Instead we hire smart and driven people have an insatiable attitude to improve. As the architects of Ecom Leaders, a community of marketers, our conversations with you will be fuelled with industry trends and market insights. Expect our team to use these to proactively evolve your strategy; suggesting new consumer segments, a creative refresh, adding a new channel or launching into an emerging region. This has helped keep our average client growth rate at +18% for the last 3 years.

Will I see a "new face" every fortnight?

We aim to be a true extension of your team. An average individual's career at Reload by s360 lasts 5.5 years, meaning our clients avoid your the standard agency team churn. From day one we kick off with 'brand immersion' to understand how you tick, replaced by regular hotdesking and collaborative planning sessions to keep our partnership strong year-after-year. This might explain why we have client relationships stretching back to 2014.

Any other perks of partnering with Reload?

Every agency has access to tools, platforms and methodologies. Where our s360 innovative solutions are different is how its born out of 20 years of only partnering with international consumer brands. We use s360's group benchmarking data to understand where your brand is underperforming versus category demand. We carry out FY budgeting using Media-Mix-Modelling tailored to an omnichannel buying journey. We evolve our own channel optimisations over time by plugging in AI, machine learning and other tactics that are proven to work across similar brands to you.


Email Marketing trends & insights from our global team

Essential resources for a robust Email Marketing strategy
The Ecom Edit: Multi-market strategies & performance modelling
Planning for a killer Black Friday
Trend Report: Overcoming inflation in eCom
Your guide to sustainable growth
What iOS15 means for email marketing
Rethinking customer retention
Newsletter Signup
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