Content Marketing for Customer Acquisition
What makes good customer acquisition content?
When we speak of transactional content for ecommerce brands, we mean the content that provides all the information a consumer needs to complete their purchase. It defines all the core details of your brand's products, including their benefits and a description of what sets you apart from your competitors. Essentially, it tells a customer "this is why you should buy this product and this is why you should buy it from us." Good customer acquisition content is clear, comprehensive and persuasive.
How Reload approaches lower funnel content
Strategising purchase-driving content based on detailed analysis into...
The competitive landscape
Customer surveys
Current on-site behaviour
A global network of specialists.
A global network of specialists.
Acquisition Content Frequently Asked Questions
What makes a good PDP?
Product pages need to describe/demonstrate the product, answer any questions the user may have and convince them to purchase. Your description should highlight what the product does, how it does it, who it's for and how to use it. The page should include a prominent explanation of product/brand USPs - what sets this product apart from others on the market and why should consumers buy from you? Using a range of visuals, ideally including videos or GIFs will help to show rather than tell the quality of the product. Incorporating positive reviews puts the benefits of the product into the words of an external party, which is highly persuasive.
How do you measure success for customer acquisition content?
The impact of successful transactional content is not just shown through the bottom-line results you see in terms of number of transactions, revenue and average order value. Its success is also trackable through the bigger-picture impact good content can have on other channels and tactics. For example, product pages that contain highly optimised content will perform better on Google Shopping, thus increasing metrics like ad impressions and driving more users through the door. Boosting the quality score of your collection pages through content improvements will lower your cost per click and help your paid search campaigns work harder. We like to closely monitor a wide range of metrics that are directly affected by customer acquisition content, to make sure that our optimisations are on the right track for success.