Rated Europe's #1 agency for growing eCom & retail brands
Paid Search

Paid Search. Be where your customers are.

Named as a 2022 Google Premier Partner.

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Paid Search

Google Ads

We all know what Google Ads are but where do they fit into your wider marketing plans? Many businesses & marketers look at Google Ads and SEO in silo. Why pay for clicks when you already rank high organically? Why not use Google Ads to plug the gaps while you grow your SEO for specific search terms? A fluid approach across SEO and Google Ads means we only spend budget on necessary searches, or where organic rankings were below Google page 1. Nothing ground-breaking, just joined-up thinking.

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Paid Search

Google Search

With over 246 million unique visitors and 3.5 billion interactions taking place on Google daily, having a strategy to rank in front of the right people for the right keywords is crucial. No one likes wasting money, and no one likes sitting on page 10 of Google while their competitors bring in sales and leads on page 1.
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Paid Search

Google Performance Max

Smart Shopping is out and Performance Max is in. The migration to Performance Max has ultimately levelled the playing field by introducing fully-automated campaigns which utilise machine learning to not only decide when to enter an auction and what product to serve, but also which ad format and on what channel/placement. With tried and tested strategies, our experts know how to get you ahead of the competition.

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Paid Search

Google Shopping

A hugely competitive space, Google Shopping accounts for 82% of retail search ad spend in the UK alone. Given the saturation of this ad space its never been more important to optimise ads for competitive advantage. Our specialists are ahead of the curve and know what it takes to lower Cost Per Acquisition.
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Paid Search

Google Display Network

We've all got multiple web pages open at any given time, so how can we stay top of mind while our prospects surf the internet? The nature of Google Display ads means they are shown to users who are not necessarily in a shopping state of mind and hence serve their purpose of brand awareness or remarketing. The GDN has over 2 million sites that reach over 90% of global internet users so you can bet your audience will be actively seeing GDN ads.

Paid Search

Dominate the top of Google

With extensions for everything from promotions to reviews, Google is providing more opportunities for you to not only appear at the top of Google, but also to dominate the search results.
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Paid Search

YouTube ads

YouTube is one of the most cost effective ways to advertise online and while Google Shopping and Search Ads help potential customers find products online, many users turn to YouTube to help them decide what they should be buying. We'll make sure your ads speak to the right people on the right channels to build trust and brand awareness.

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Paid Search

Amazon Ads

86% of people in the UK shop on Amazon and whilst it continues to grow rapidly, it's a channel that can no longer be ignored by eCommerce brands. Brands should consider Amazon as a strategy to fill the gaps of your website can't, such as reaching new customer segments and boosting brand awareness, or as a means to sell internationally.
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Paid Search

Microsoft ads (Bing)

Bing often gets classed as second rate to Google, which is why we recommend it! Most advertisers opt for Google only which makes Bing much less competitive and usually delivers a lower CPC. While comparatively Bing's audience on the Microsoft Advertising platform is smaller than google, a single Bing ad buy across search can reach 162 million unique searchers using Microsoft and Yahoo sites (including Yahoo Search, Bing, and partners).

Paid Search

The robots are taking over

Machine learning is now making decisions on behalf of brands, in real-time, to maximise performance. But it still requires expert management to know when to use machine learning, how to assess what's working and what's not. We'll utilise automated bidding to ensure every penny you spend is working harder.
Paid Search

Marginal gains will improve your ROAS over time

Our paid advertising specialists hunt for those 1% improvements that will improve your ROAS or lower your Cost per Lead over time. Whether that's through A/B split testing of advert copy, removing unprofitably keywords or pausing poor performing campaigns.

Our Process

Your Roadmap to Revenue
Leads or Enquiry Growth...


Campaign strategy

What's a break-even Cost per Sale or Cost per Lead for your business? Based on your goals of sales or lead generation, we will collaborate closely with your team to design a tailored strategy across search engines to maximise budgets available.

Account audit

Typically when we audit an account for the first time we find £££ in wasted spend, delivering zero customers for your business. We'll modernise your accounts and roll out a sophisticated structure which is set-up to scale.

New campaign builds

Build, build, build. Once the arhictecture's in place, it's time to take what we know about your customer (big spenders vs. one-hit wonders), your product (high margin vs. low margin products) and buying experiences, to build new campaigns that pack a punch.

Continual refinement & management

We don't do "set and forget". Within 1 hour of going live we're measuring performance. Any campaigns, keywords, landing pages, audiences or locations, which aren't delivering a return are optimised.

A global network of specialists.

A global network of specialists.

Award Winning

The Drum Search Awards 2020
The Drum Search Awards are looking for the best in search to shine a light and recognise the best work being produced by the global industry.
SEO & PPC Integrated
Prolific London Awards 2019
The Prolific London Awards celebrates excellence and rewards outstanding campaigns and exceptional talent in the digital, marketing and tech industries across London and the South.
Search Agency Of The Year
Search Campaign of the Year
"I've really enjoyed working with Reload Digital the past few months. Their knowledge and service is great, always willing to go the extra mile. We've been particularly thrilled by their Adwords ppc work to aid our summer sale and thanks to their support we have exceeded targets."
Imogen Wallis - Digital Marketing Manager, YAWN

Paid Search Frequently Asked

What are the costs involved in Google Ads?

Monthly Management Fees: This covers the ongoing maintenance, improvement, updating and expansion that is crucial to the success of Google Ads, as well as regular reporting and insights.

Advertising Click Spend: You’re advertising spend can be a fixed amount each month or there is always the possibility to increase or decrease the spend depending on seasonality, peak periods, sales and promotions, increasing interest in your brand, etc. This amount can be quickly changed at any time.

What do you do once your campaign has been built and launched?

With Google Ads it is vitally important that continual analysis, improvements, expansion and updating of campaigns is taking place. This includes implementing regularly launched new features, developing new campaigns for sales, promotions and new products/services, or continually working to increase your ROI and reduce your cost per sale/lead. This ongoing development, improvement and split testing allows us to get more and more out of your investment for you, fully justifying the need for monthly management.

In addition, our experienced team will also provide regular updates, insights to fuel you’re your broader marketing decisions, and monthly reports to fully detail how your investment is being utilised and what the returns and achievements towards your business goals has been each month.

What does our business need set up to get started with Google Ads?

A website with an enquiry form, checkout process, or other desired actions for visitors (such as app downloads, newsletter sign-ups, or content views) is all you need to begin with. From here there are a handful of elements that require setting up and these are listed below:

  • Accounts with each selected advertising platform.
  • Google Analytics account.
  • Tracking of enquiry forms, checkout process, or other actions.
  • Addition of other tracking codes to your website as necessary, such as for remarketing or Google Shopping adverts.
  • Potential for creation of customised landing pages to direct your advertising traffic to.

If the above items are not already in place then we can simply implement them for you where possible or guide you through the processes. Or if everything above is already set up, then we have extensive experience in working from existing accounts.

How long does it take to get started?

The time it takes to build a Google Ads campaign, implement full tracking and launch depends on the size and complexity of a campaign. However, campaigns of small and medium size businesses are typically ready to go live within 2 weeks. Extensive campaigns for large and multi-national businesses typically take 2-4 weeks to prepare. These time frames can be reduced or extended depending on the response times of your web designers or technical team putting in place the required tracking codes.

Once launched your Google Ads will go through an approval process that is completed within 24 hours, and your adverts will then be visible and will begin to gather data on initial performance levels. From here we will be able to analyse the campaigns and make informed decisions to continually develop and improve the advertising performance towards your business goals.

What results can I expect?

Reload Digital’s focus is firstly on understanding your business and your objectives, budgets and time frames. From here we are able to forecast the potential reach, traffic, and sales/enquiries/other goals that are achievable, with the aim of allowing you to understand the potential returns on your investment and how Google Ads can help achieve your business goals.

The key driver of our ongoing management and continual optimisation of your campaigns and website is to create notable year on year improvements. Get in touch to discuss your objectives and the results that your business could achieve.

What about Bing and Yahoo?

Bing and Yahoo hold approximately 10% of the UK search engine market share. This has very slowly increased in recent years as Bing in particular has become the default search engine for many programmes, browsers and operating systems. Advertising on Bing and Yahoo is therefore a very logical way to increase your advertising reach by up to 10%.

Furthermore, advertising competition is less fierce on Bing and Yahoo, and therefore the advertising costs are typically slightly lower than on Google Ads. It is certainly a recommended extension of your search engine advertising activities.

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