24/7 reporting with dynamic reporting dashboards
Tailored performance dashboards with metrics that matter to you. We tailor reports to specific people in your business, providing viability across metrics that matter to each individual. Our reports are dynamic so you won't need to wait until the end of the month to get up to date stats.
Measure what matters through analytics & tracking
Do you know which metrics are most important to grow your business? The majority of businesses don't get this right. Before we commence any activity, we'll clarify "what success looks like" and ensure your analytics platforms talks to your website, ad platforms etc...
BI report creation
Having data is one thing, using it intelligently is another. We'll gather your first party data to create insightful reports that help you make better business decisions. Whether that's customer strategy, product development, marketing activity or sales, with BI reports you'll be making decisions backed by data.
Our Process
How we create intelligent reporting
which informs your business...
Reporting tailored to individuals, not just the business
Different individuals, in different roles, will require different reporting metrics and insights. Whether it’s a detailed report for your Digital Marketing Manager to fully understand what’s working & what’s not, versus a one page executive summary for your CEO or Investors.
We don't do "digital fluff"
Cost Per Click, Impressions, Click Through Rate. are important metrics but mean nothing without context. We’ll always talk in the terms that matter to your business, whether that's Cost per Order, Customer Acquisition, Revenue, ROAS or Profit Margins.
Overlaying segments to dig deep into the data
Dig, dig, dig. Too often people take data at face value without really understanding what's happening. We always dive deeper, overlaying segments to understand what is moving the needle.
Finding the bad news stories
Not everything can always be positive. Our teams are constantly looking for "what's not working" as these are the revealing clues for how to improve performance. Bad results are not swept under the rug.