Transforming retailers into ecom leaders

Content Marketing For Brand Awareness

Content strategies that help ecommerce brands make an impactful first impression


What makes good brand awareness content?

The purpose of brand awareness content is to convince users who have likely never heard of your brand that you are aligned with their interests and requirements. You need to have a distinct and memorable story to tell and tell it in a way that quickly and seamlessly demonstrates that you know what you're talking about. This is no easy feat and the consequences for an underthought or too "salesy" brand awareness strategy can leave a would-be purchaser never wanting to hear from you again. That's where we come in...


How Reload approaches top-of-funnel content

As with everything we do here at Reload, our content marketing approach centres around research, strategy and getting to know your customers. In other words: we want to help you speak to the right people at the right time in the right way. We never start with format-first or encourage content for the sake of content. We also integrate seasoned expertise from ecommerce specialists across a wide range of channels and platforms, to optimise your content to cut through the digital noise. We then use customised, dynamic reporting dashboards to demonstrate the full impact of your brand awareness content campaigns.
Our Process

Our 5-step approach to strategic content marketing for brand awareness...


WHO is your target audience?

We always start with working out who is your target persona for your brand awareness campaign. What are they interested in and how do they behave online? Understanding your customer profiles, including demographics, behaviour and interests, is a crucial first step. We often run content workshops or customer surveys to gain a real comprehensive of what the initial make/break factors may be for your audience.

WHAT format would resonate best with that audience?

Next we think about what kind of content assets are going to be used as the 'fuel' behind this campaign? What topic(s) will it discuss? What format will it take? Content ideation is a particular strong suit of ours and we love coming up with creative options to suit a brand's needs. In the past, we've worked across a range of formats including: videos, downloadable ebooks, graphics, interactive quizzes, blogs and advisory articles, as well as crucial core site content like homepage and about us copy or optimised metadata, ad copy or social posts.

WHERE will you reach your audience?

The internet is a big place, so you need to get your brand awareness content shown in the right places. This is especially true when you're trying to get in front of users who have likely never heard of you before and who are not actively seeking out your brand. We will advise what channels and platforms to leverage, whether we're looking to appear in Google Search, on social media, on digital forums or all of the above!

HOW do we make sure your campaign performs?

We never 'set and forget'. To get the most out of every channel, our digital specialists will optimise your content and campaigns for maximum impact. This may include, for example, keyword optimisations to boost a page's organic visibility in the SERPs or ad scheduling on social media to prioritise your budget at prime engagement times.

WHAT NEXT? What do you want users to do?

It should be clear what next step you want users to take. Do you want them to sign up to your newsletter? Click through to another page? Follow you on social media? This is how you move users through to the next stage of their purchase funnel, so it's important to be clear about what you're wanting them to do.

Defining success from brand awareness content marketing

To monitor the full contribution of your brand awareness campaigns, we create dynamic dashboard reporting, customised to specific content pieces and the individual metrics that show how they play into the bigger picture. We concentrate on indicative micro-goals, such as an increase in new users, unbranded visibility, revenue from assisted conversions, newsletter sign-ups, social media followers, on-page engagement metrics and internal click-throughs to lower funnel pages.

A global network of specialists.

A global network of specialists.

Awareness Content Frequently Asked Questions

What types of content are best for driving awareness?

Brand awareness content is best when it's quick, eye-catching, useful and memorable. Avoid anything too product-led or "salesy", as this may come across as too forward and do more damage than good. While there are no specific formats that perform better than others - and your selection should always hinge on your audience and intended platform - commonly successful brand awareness content types include:

1. Videos - A dynamic and engaging way to show users, rather than tell them, who you are.
2. Blogs - A simple yet effective method for discussing a topic close to your audience's heart.
3. Interactive Quizzes - Get users engaging with your brand immediately by giving them something to 'play'. This also helps brands deliver personalised CTAs once users have completed the questionnaire.
4. Downloadable eBooks - Content that offers users something in exchange for a sign-up, helping build your audience for further retargeting.
5. Images - Often overlooked but incredibly powerful, especially on social media. Use a combination of striking imagery and punchy text to make a speedy impact.

What are some examples of good brand awareness content?

We love Astrid & Miyu's approach to brand awareness content, which is fundamentally about providing their community and target market with content that is based around what they care about, as opposed to overtly pushing products. They use customer surveys to identify these topics of interest and are not afraid to talk about things not related to what they sale but instead to what they value as a business. They also establish a distinct and memorable visual style through the graphics that accompany their pieces.

Examples of strong brand awareness content from Astrid & Miyu:
1. "Women Making Waves" - International Women's Day piece celebrating successful women in the world of fashion and beyond
2. "Necklace Layering Guide" - Informative content piece advising on the Dos and Don'ts of combining necklace styles
3. "Business Accelerator Programme" - Mentorship scheme launched by the A&M founder to support Black-owned consumer brands

How do you measure brand awareness?

Brand awareness comes down to an increasing number of potential purchasers entering the top of the funnel. Below are our top five metrics that we use to track brand awareness success:

1. Visibility for unbranded searches - This shows that more eyes are seeing the brand in the search engine results
2. No. of branded searches - This shows that more people are hearing about/remembering the brand and then actively seeking it out
3. No. of new visitors - How many people are coming to your site that have never done before?
4. Social media followings - Tracking the number of people keen to become part of your brand community.
5. Email subscribers - An increase in email sign-ups is a fantastic indicator that your brand awareness campaigns are working, as it shows that users liked what they saw and are keen to see more.

Award Winning

The Drum Search Awards 2020
The Drum Search Awards is looking for the best in search to shine a light and recognise the best work being produced by the global industry.
SEO & PPC Integrated
Prolific London Awards 2019
The Prolific London Awards celebrates excellence and rewards outstanding campaigns and exceptional talent in the digital, marketing and tech industries across London and the South.
Search Agency Of The Year
Search Campaign of the Year
"We started working with reload digital at the point of migrating our site to a new platform and have continued to work with them since with our SEO strategy. They are very professional and extremely easy to work with. With such a lovely team, they really invest in the brands they work with and have already had such a positive affect in our growth. I would highly recommend working with them."
Sarah Hrywnak - Head Of Marketing & E-Commerce, Astrid & Miyu
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